The Chester River Chorale is gearing up for another terrific year of song, and we hope YOU will be a part of it!
If you love to sing, the CRC invites you to join in its 21st season of making music together in the Wesley Room of Chestertown’s Heron Point on Monday, September 9. Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. Rehearsal begins at 7:00 p.m., with subsequent Monday rehearsals beginning at 7:15 p.m.
No auditions are required. Music is provided. All you need to bring is your voice, $50 for dues (students are free), and the desire to sing for the joy of it. If you cannot make it on the first Monday, registration will continue on September 16 at 6:00 p.m.
Experienced singers may audition for the Chester Chamber Singers, the smaller select group that performs at concerts and community events and also rehearses on Monday evenings.
Enjoy the thrill of singing for standing-room-only audiences of your friends and neighbors. Artistic Director Douglas Cox has put together an exciting program for the annual holiday concert at the Presbyterian Church of Chestertown on December 13 and 14. It will include a professional chamber orchestra and the young singers of the Chester River Youth Choir, conducted by its new artistic director, Kimber Kalicky.
The program will offer something for everyone, with a varied palette of music that appeals to the diverse tastes of the community. There will be samplings of 19th century classic romanticism, the high Renaissance, American gospel, Jewish Chanukah, the contemporary American Songbook, and familiar carols for Christmas.
The Chester River Chorale is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization funded in part by Yerkes Construction Co., the Hedgelawn Foundation, the Mid-Shore Community Foundation, the Kent County Arts Council and the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive. The CRC’s Mission is to provide opportunity and inspiration for amateur singers to strive for artistic excellence. CRC performances entertain diverse audiences and enrich the cultural life of the community. For more information visit; check out the Chorale on Facebook, or call 410–928–5566.
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