Rebuilding Together offers free home safety checkup on September 21.
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Rebuilding Together’s Health and Safety Priorities
These 25 HEALTH AND SAFETY PRIORITIES focus attention on significant health and safety hazards, inform trade-offs, guide the design of repairs, and provide a means for Rebuilding Together affiliates to report the results of repairs and modifications consistently.
1. The homeowner has safe ingress and egress to the home.
2. The roof is watertight.
3. Rainwater is effectively directed away from the structure.
4. Exterior walls have no gaps, cracks or holes larger than 1/8 inch.
5. Windows and exterior doors open effectively, close and lock securely, and seal well.
6. The home is free of live infestation of pests, and sources of attraction are removed.
7. The numerals in the property’s street address are clearly visible from the street.
8. A working smoke detector is on each floor and in or near each bedroom to meet code.
9. A working CO detector protects homes with combustion appliances or attached garage.
10. A currently dated Class ABC fire extinguisher is available in or near the kitchen.
11. Water heaters, furnaces and space heaters that produce CO exhaust outside.
12. No known electrical hazards are present, and kitchens and baths have GFCIs.
13. The homeowner has access to a working water heater, refrigerator and range.
14. The kitchen and bathrooms have an exhaust fan vented outside.
15. The homeowner has access to a working sink, toilet, and bathtub or shower.
16. Modifications to toilets and tubs assist those who need help using the toilet or bathing.
17. Grab bars are strategically placed for those at risk of falls.
18. Stairs and steps have secure handrails that meet occupants’ needs.
19. Main rooms and stairs are free of tripping hazards.
20. Old, filthy wall-to-wall carpeting has been replaced, preferably with durable flooring.
21. The clothes dryer, if present, vents outside with metal duct and unobstructed airflow.
22. The homeowner can maintain the interior temperature in a comfortable range.
23. Main rooms and stairs have adequate lighting for occupants to move about safely.
This is an equal opportunity program. Discrimination is prohibited by Federal Law.
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