On Thursday, May 2, President Donald Trump announced a finalization of a rule on conscience protection in a statement during the National Day of Prayer. In his remarks, the president stated, “Just today, we finalized new protections of conscience rights for physicians, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, students, and faith-based charities. Together, we are building a culture that cherishes the dignity and worth of human life. Every child – born and unborn – is a sacred gift from God.”
Today, Health and Human Services is enforcing its authority on previous conscience protection policies by implementing a rule titled, “Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority.” This rule enhances the authority of 25 pre-existing laws that protect the longstanding conscience rights of Americans in healthcare funded by HHS.
Congressman Andy Harris introduced H.R. 2014, the Conscience Protection Act, on April 1, 2019, with 80 additional Members of Congress co-sponsoring the bill. The Conscience Protection Act would take the next step in protecting the rights of conscience for medical providers by guaranteeing a private right of action for individuals whose conscience rights have been violated and supporting Americans in having freedom of religion and conscience in healthcare.
Rep. Harris made the following statement supporting the president’s remarks:
“I support President Trump in his remarks today and in his efforts to protect the conscience of Americans who provide health care. Just last month, I led 80 Members of Congress in introducing the Conscience Protection Act, H.R. 2014, which amends the Public Health Service Act to prevent any federal, state, or local government from penalizing or discriminating against a health care provider if the provider does not participate in highly controversial abortion practices. As a physician and lawmaker, I support conscience protection because I strongly believe that health care providers should not be forced to violate their conscience when providing care for patients, and I applaud President Trump and his administration in their efforts to support conscience protection for all Americans.”
Deirdre Lamotte says
WTH? I am sick of men telling women what to do with their bodies. This is what this is primarily about. OK guys, let us do a waiting period for any ED problem and don’t even think your Viagra will be covered. Bunch of hypocrites. Additionally, why is my government
deciding what is a “sacred gift from God”?? This government is nuts.
Robert Garson says
Harris and his cronies still have not understood the principle of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. My personal “Conscience Protection Act” allows me to discriminate against all Republicans!
Michael McDowell says
Harris again. Conscience and Trump? How absurd. The two don’t go together. Andy Harris is silent on Trump’s outrageous record. A real moral invertebrate pretending to be “principled,” talking about “conscience” when the goal is to marginalise and discriminate against others. Dr. No echoes the hard right soft (?) bigotry for which he and his egregious “Freedom” (not) Caucus gang in Congress are infamous. He is up to the usual mischief making, having interfered in Washington DC city government earlier this week (see Spy) despite not being elected by anybody there. He interferes just because…. he can….A mediocrity in the majority and even more so in the minority. Would not be reelected without the ridiculous O’Malley engineered gerrymander. Among his other bizarre tropes is lauding the neo-fascist (John McCain’s term) strongman of Hungary, Viktor Orban. Harris is beyond the pale. A consistent troublemaker with no legislative accomplishments. Republicans, you get what you vote for. It’s on you. There are other choices.
joe Diamond says
A RULE on conscience protection ? Are you nuts…? That is exactly why this country was founded. Donald Trump has not demonstrated anything like an understanding of the word……………Donald Trump and his administration are a bunch of relative and political wonks who will sell their souls for a an acting position in the White House….This passes for leadership ? …. joe