The Agriculture community in Queen Anne’s County in partnership with the Board of Education recently came together for the 3nd year to deliver unbiased, science and researched based education to all the 7th grade students in the county. The Agriculture Awareness Day was held April 9 & 10 at the Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park.
Agricultural leaders have talked about how to educate our youth on the many sectors of farming and the many careers. It’s a massive undertaking and most of us don’t have the staff or volunteers to offer such a training by ourselves. The two day event required 120 volunteers.
The educational program was possible because of the following committee coming together to plan and teach: Maryland Grain Producers, Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation, QAC Farm Bureau, QAC Board of Education, QAC Government, QACHS FFA, Queen Anne’s Soil Conservation District, University of Maryland Extension, Wye Research and Education Center, USDA Farm Service Agency, Young Farmers and many other volunteers in our community.
The objective of the program is to increase awareness of agriculture in Maryland and the numerous career opportunities available. The day included five interactive stations with topics that included: grains, conservation practices, technology, farm animals, aquaculture, vegetables, nurseries, forestry, career choices and much more.
We would like to thank our sponsors for their monetary support. We plan to continue this educational program and hope to be a model for other counties and regions.
Sponsors/Donors/Educators included:
Arnold Farms
Axis Seed
Coldwell Banker Waterman Reality Company
Farm Credit
Fisherman’s Daughter Brand Oysters
Godfrey’s Farm
Hort, Inc.
J. Clarke Show Feeds
James & Linda Hall
Marydel Ag Supply
Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation
Maryland Farm Bureau
Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board
Maryland State FFA Officers
Mountaire Farms
Nagel Crop Insurance
Nagel Farm Service
Phillips Wharf
QAC 4-H Dairy Goat Club
QAC Extension Advisory Council
Quee Anne’s County 4-Her’s
Queen Anne’s County 4- H All Stars
Queen Anne’s County Commissioners
Queen Anne’s County Farm Bureau
Queen Anne’s Soil Conservation District
Queen Anne’s County 4-H
Queen Anne’s County FFA
Queen Anne’s County Master Gardeners
Queenstown Bank
Shore United Bank
Southern States
Upper Shore Regional Council
University of Maryland Extension
USDA Farm Service Agency
Willard Agri-Service
Wye Research and Education Center
Animals displayed by:
Jessica Clarke
Alexander Evans
Alan Eck
Tom Jackson
Brigid, Helen & Brenan King
Leslie Moore
Temple & Madeline Rhodes
Annie Seward
Katie Starr
Quinn Williams
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