Volunteers needed in 4-H: Looking for volunteers as Kent County Fair 4-H Division chairpersons, judges and much more! Call the Extension Office if interested, 410-778-1661. The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
March 2017
March 4-H Have a Heart Food Drive Challenge.
Food can be delivered and weighed on Final Day at Achievement!!!
2 4-H on the Radio, 12:15 pm, WCTR’s Today on the Shore
4 Achievement Practice for all youth with job assignments, 10:00 am, Extension Office
5 Annual 4-H Achievement and Recognition Banquet, 12:30 pm, Millington Fire House
6, 15, 20, 27 Kent 4-H Dairy Bowl Practices, 7:00 pm, Hill Farm, Kennedyville
6 DEADLINE: 4-H Potato Project Registration Due to 4-H Office
10-12 4-H Tractor School, QA Co. 4-H Park, for youth ages 14-16 years.
11 Kent Ag Center Clean-up, 9:00 am, Kent Ag Center. Preparation for Ag Center Auction
13 DEADLINE: Fair Premium Book Cover Design Contest Entries Due, Ext. Off. “Theme: 4-H: The Seeds to Success”
14 Jr. Leadership Council (JLC), 7:00 pm, Extension Office – Judge cover designs!
15 UME 4-H Online Volunteer Training Webinar, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Must register at least 1 week prior.
16 UME 4-H Volunteer Training, 6:30 pm, Extension Office
17 Kent Ag Center Board Mtg and Auction Prep, 6:00 pm, Kent Ag Center
18 Kent Ag Center Auction, 10:00 – 11:00 am Silent; 11:00 – ? Live Auction, Kent Ag Center, Tolchester
MD 4-H Horse Bowl, Plant Sci. Building, UMD, College Park
19 MD State 4-H Council, 2:00 – 5:00 pm, MD 4-H Center
24 Kent 4-H County Public Speaking Night, 6:15 check-in, 6:30, Speeches begin, Extension Office
25 Kent Clover Kids Program, 9:00 – 11:00 am
28 Kent Leaders Council, 7:00 pm, Extension Office
31 Regional Public Speaking, 6:30 pm, Easton High School, Easton
Scheduled Club Meetings (Subject to Change!)
Bits & Bridle Horse Club – 3rd Saturday, 1:00, Running W Kennels
Kent 4-H Triple Shots Shooting Sports – Shotgun – 2nd Sunday, Noon, Kent Gun Club, Archery, 1st and 3rd Sundays, 2pm, Cypress Creek, Archery, Millington, Rifle, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 2-4pm, Kent Ag Center Rifle Range, Tolchester
Business meeting held the 1st Wednesday of every month, EXCEPT: January and July. 6:30pm at the UMD Extension Office
Junior Dairy Associates – 3rd Friday monthly, 7pm, Kennedyville United Methodist Church
Kent Clover Calf – 2nd Wednesday, 7pm, Kennedyville United Methodist Church
Kent Fuzzy Tails & Shiny Scales – 4th Thursday monthly, 6:30pm, Presbyterian Church of Chestertown
Kent Puppy Pals Dog Club – Practice 3rd and 4th Wednesdays, 6:30pm, Winter: Radcliffe Creek School, Summer: Running W. Kennels, Worton. Monthly business meeting, 2nd Monday, Running W Kennels, 6:30pm
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