Tom Brokaw of NBC News said that in today’s American culture: “If you have a problem, get a gun.” He might as well have continued: “If you have a big problem (with Gays, Black, Muslims, Syrians, Obama Care, your own dark madness), then get a big gun.”
I am one of those fringe folk running for President (see note below), and as such I propose the Gun Buy Back Program. It goes like this:
First, reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban (they are called Assault Weapons for good reason). Second, establish the Gun Buy Back Center composed of private funds and government offices that offers to buy back all Assault Weapons in the following manner: 200% percent of the documented purchase price for 2017; 150% of documented purchase price for 2018; 100% of documented purchase price 2019. In 2020 the possession of an Assault Weapon becomes a felony. No, the devil is not in the details (they can be worked out), it is in the guns.
Yes, yes: But what about the Congress? I have a friend who proposes that all those who want everyone, everywhere to carry guns: into schools, churches, on playgrounds, at football and baseball games, at funerals for those who have been shot—that they all move to Texas along with those who oppose a woman’s right to choose, favor the death penalty, and want to deport anyone not white. Texas could then secede from the United States (the Tex-ext) and build itself a wall. Happy trails.
Well! as Jack Benny used to say (thus dating myself). Well, indeed.
Of course, my proposal has no chance these days to pass the high dollar bar set by the NRA. But times change, our culture changes, and it might change more quickly for my efforts. Go Long. Remember when it was thought manly to not wear seat belts: My paraplegic body is nobody business but mine. Or that it was Marlboro Man toughness to smoke: Anybody can face a heart attack, but it takes a real man to face cancer.
In fact, the country is sick to death of all the death from guns. The culture has changed. The politics have not. But times, they are a-changing. Thus updating myself.
Robert Day is the author of ten books, the most recent being Robert Day for President: An Embellished Campaign Auto-biography.
Bob Garson says
Sad to say it, Bob, but unfortunately a big part of the culture is NOT a-changin’. Just ask the Trumpsters…
Dan Egan says
OK. Lets pretend it is 2020 and ALL law abiding citizens have “surrendered” their assault weapons ( please define assault weapons ) to “authorities”.
The only persons who will posses “assault weapons” wilt;l now be felons. But they WERE felons before the 2020 deadline. Mr. Day, what has been accomplished? Do you really think “bad guys” will turn in their assault weapons to avoid being deemed a felon????? Go figure what changed the culture
of this country. I have watched it over 60 years and you don’t have a clue!
Dan Egan says
OK. Lets pretend it is 2020 and ALL law abiding citizens have “surrendered” their assault weapons ( please define assault weapons ) to “authorities”.
The only persons who will posses “assault weapons” will be felons. But they WERE felons before the 2020 deadline. Mr. Day, what has been accomplished? Do you really think “bad guys” will turn in their assault weapons to avoid being deemed a felon????? Go figure what changed the culture
of this country. I have watched it over 60 years and you don’t have a clue!
vernon miller says
i see the person in the tease is some one who should not be handling a fire arm is he ready to shoot something has his finger on the trigger surely a no no. i’d like the author’s discription of an assault weapon i’m sure he is well versed
mary wood says
I keep wondering who these dangerous people are who cause someone to be so afraid of his neighbor, or the guy walking down the street that he needs a gun to protect himself?
Thank you Robert Day for bringing this to our attention. I keep reading and hearing about the Zeka mosquito, but not a syllable about gun violence.