For the past eight years our family has been connected to a place here in Kent County that celebrates every child, values the joy of learning, and emphasizes the importance of independence and critical thinking. Both of our children spent their first school years here and have gained a life-long benefit from the opportunity to learn the “Montessori Way”.
For nearly 25 years this place – Friendship Montessori School in Worton, MD – has provided a space for children to develop as self-directed learners and explore with all their senses. At this place it is understood that each child is unique and learns differently so time and space is given to them to master tasks at their own pace. FMS teachers quickly become aware of the interests and skill levels of each student in the class and put together a daily individual lesson plan to genuinely understand the child’s progress. Children are encouraged to try new things, make mistakes, and understand the problem before they are faced with the formula. Kindness, practical skills, and helping others is prized and exposure to different cultures and traditions is woven into everyday work throughout the school year.
As new FMS parents in 2007 we quickly knew this school was different when our then-almost 3 year old son started expertly clearing his own dishes to the kitchen after a meal, demonstrated an ability to create and learn on his own, and started talking about other countries as if he had actually been there. Both sons are incredibly different and yet have an equal amount of confidence in their abilities and interest. Our ten year old continues to exceed academic expectations and genuinely love school and our six year old will be a stronger student in first grade having spent his Kindergarten year at FMS.
We couldn’t be happier with our decision to send our children to this very special school and we encourage any parents with children ages 2 – 6 to visit Friendship Montessori School and see the amazing things young minds and hands are capable of doing. FMS is holding Open House events April 13th, 20th, & 27th from 8:30am-10:00am for prospective families. For more information call the school at (410) 778-5663.
Jennifer Hicks
Chestertown, MD
Robbi Behr says
Bravo! Our family heartily seconds that opinion!
I had only vaguely heard of Montessori growing up and thought it was a program for students with special needs. However, my husband had attended a Montessori pre-school and remembered it fondly, so was delighted to find that we had one right here in Kent County (much to MY surprise, having grown up here myself). He convinced me to have a look, and it only took a minute after walking in the door to recognize that Friendship Montessori is a special, amazing place. I can guarantee you’ve never seen a room of two-year olds so focused, attentive, curious and engaged. And it only gets better from there. I only wish all kids in our community could have access to this method of learning that rewards curiosity and persistence in such a loving and supportive environment. Not only do the kids learn how to learn, they learn how to help one another as well. If you have a chance, just go have a look. Seriously.