The Halloween parade will take place on Saturday, November 2 at 10:00 a.m. along High Street. Kent Crossing Apartments is making a special appeal for trick-or-treaters to come to Kent Crossing Apartments on Halloween Eve, Thursday, Oct. 31. The apartments are located at the intersection of Morgnec Road and Upper High Street.
Gear up for Halloween Parade on November 2
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David K. Stuebing says
Dear editor,
I recently was forwarded this link:
Since I oversee the apartments in Kent Crossing that Washington College rents and uses as student housing, I was intrigued that Kent Crossing was doing trick-or-treating but surprised I hadn’t heard about it. I have spoken with Lee Davis, the property manager, and unfortunately, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. Kent Crossing management is unprepared for trick-or-treating to occur at Kent Crossing and was not the originator of that information. I’m not sure where the information came from, but I would like to have this straightened out before people descend on Kent Crossing residents who are unprepared for the situation.
It is possible that in future years, Washington College will partner with Kent Crossing to organize some trick-or-treating, but we are simply not prepared for it this year. Could we release a correction?
Please let me know if you have any questions. All the best,
David K. Stuebing
Area Director, Zones 3 & 4
Washington College
300 Washington Ave.
Chestertown, MD 21620
P: 410-810-5780
F: 410-778-7205