The Think Tank, an enrichment program led by Lee Franklin and hosted by The Gunston School, is getting ready to launch into spring classes March 27–May 24. The Think Tank welcomes kids, ages 5–14, from all counties to the Gunston campus. Bus transportation is available for students from Centreville and Kennard Elementary, and Centreville Middle to Gunston on bus #0511. The spring classes each run 4:00–5:30 p.m. and include the following:
Little Adventurers: Grades K, 1 and 2 / Tuesdays / taught by Hollie Epp
Does your child like the outdoors, animals and exploring? Join this class to become a “young scientist” and trek through the woods, dip seine nets into the river and comb the Gunston campus gardens in search of common and not-so-common live critters. You will identify native species of animals, learn their habitats, behaviors and what makes them unique.
Spanish: Grades 2-5 / Thursdays / taught by Liamar Young
Come learn Spanish while you explore the woods and the water on Gunston’s beautiful campus. Through hands-on activities in art, music and game-playing, Chesapeake College Spanish Professor Liamar will help you make connections with Spanish words and what you see in nature.
Chesapeake Bay Eco Explorers: Grades 3-8 / Wednesdays / taught by Jenny Houghton
Join Adkins Arboretum’s Youth Program Coordinator for hands-on experiences with authentic environmental science equipment. You will use sieves, dip nets and kick seines to search for organisms living in and around the Corsica River. You will investigate and study these living organisms under microscopes, spot birds with binoculars and navigate the Gunston campus with compasses. You will also try your hands at field sketching and cartography.
Raptor Research: Grades 4-8 / Tuesdays / taught by Courtney Leigh
In this raptor research project with outdoor environmental educator Courtney, you will experience both classroom and field work to learn about birds of prey and scientific data collecting. You will learn how to identify signs of raptors, conduct research and be able to identify different kinds of raptors. You’ll hike the woods to collect data on the number of resident raptors on Gunston’s campus. Activities may also include dissecting owl pellets, a visit with live raptors and a bird seminar.
Exploring Great Questions—Serious Fun with Philosophy: Grades 6-8 / Wednesdays / taught by Jeff Franklin
Philosophy begins with wonder. Philosophers apply their curiosity by asking questions that help them logically explore the nature of the world. Join Franklin’s Toy Store owner and ex- St. John’s College tutor in this discussion class that will introduce students to important and interesting philosophical questions. Students will learn to discuss with rigor, good humor and mutual respect. Questions we will investigate may be, “Should you let little things bother you?” and “Should you ever tell a lie?”
Canoes on the Corsica: Grades 6-8 / Thursdays / taught by Hannah Gerres
With experienced adventure guide Hannah, you’ll learn basic canoeing skills, including proper oar grips, arm techniques and paddling strokes, and what to do if you are on the water and something goes wrong. We will talk about how to avoid other boats and fishermen, safety signals, emergency situations and how to recognize weather that could be potentially dangerous. We will discuss a little “canoe history.” In addition to becoming proficient at canoeing, you will explore the Corsica River and its natural habitats to gain a deeper understanding of its ecology and the living things in its surrounding ecosystems.
For more information on The Think Tank and to register, visit Questions? Contact Lee Franklin, Director of The Think Tank, at 410.758.0620 or [email protected].
Sign up by March 13 and receive $15 off each session!
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